Sunday, March 9, 2008

I said I wouldn't eat anything with eyes, well...

I've added to my list. I won't eat feet, tentacles, or insects either.

There was a Food Market event going on down the street where my hotel was on my second night in Beijing.

88 booths of food.......yup, it was all edible......for some people...

There looked to be some tasty corn on the cob, vegetables and rice dishes, as well as skewers of chicken, lamb, and beef, but I just couldn't bring myself to eat much once I saw the items they were laying beside.

Many things were raw, and you picked out what you wanted and then they cooked it.

I felt sorry for the starfish, and I actually never saw anyone eat it. I imagine it would be fairly crispy and prickly.

A popular item was fruit on skewers that were then coated with a wall of sugar glazing.

There were also pita like things, steamed buns, fried cream balls, mushrooms,
fungus, coconut milk,

shrimp, seahorses and other seafood, including octopus, squid and other things I don't know the names of.

The things that got to me the most were the skewers of insects of various kinds,

something suspended in some weird liquid, and

the big fat brown worms/slugs on skewers.

The baked Dragon fruit looked more apetizing,
and then there was a huge block in a wheelbarrow, like a giant piece of halva mixed with fruits, nuts and seeds. It was actually quite tasty.